Discrete Titles

A discrete heading is styled in a manner similar to a section title, but:

  • it’s not part of the section hierarchy,

  • it’s excluded from section nesting requirements,

  • it doesn’t enclose subsequent blocks, and

  • it’s not included in the table of contents.

The discrete style effectively demotes the section title to a normal heading.

To make a discrete heading, add the discrete attribute to any section title. Here’s an example of a discrete heading in use.

**** (1)
Discrete headings are useful for making headings inside of other blocks, like this sidebar.

[discrete] (2)
== Discrete Heading (3)

Discrete headings can be used where sections are not permitted.
1 A delimiter line that indicates the start of a sidebar block.
2 Set the discrete attribute above the section title to demote it to a discrete heading.
3 The discrete heading is designated by one to six equal signs, just like a regular section title.

Alternately, you may use the float attribute to identify a discrete heading. In this context, the term “float” does not imply layout, meaning it does not float to the left or right of other content blocks. It just means it’s not anchored to the section hierarchy.