Book Parts

Parts can only be used when the document type is book. There is no dedicated doctype for a multi-part book to distinguish it from a regular book. That distinction is made by the section levels you use.

Part section level syntax

Parts are specified by a level 0 section (=). Each part must contain at least one section. You can insert optional introduction content beneath in the part section prior to the first section. Additionally, there are attributes devoted especially to numbering and labeling parts.

Special sections for parts

A part can have its own preface, bibliography, glossary and index.

= Book Title
:doctype: book

= Forward

This is the preface for the whole book.

= Part 1

This is the introduction to the first part of our mud-encrusted journey.

== Chapter 1

There was mud...

== Chapter 2

Great gobs of mud...

== Part 1 Glossary

mud:: wet, cold dirt

= Part 2

== Part 2 Preface

This is a preface for part 2.

== Chapter 3

The mud had turned to cement...