Customize the Substitutions Applied to Text
The inline pass macro (pass:[]
) accepts the shorthand values in addition to the longhand values for specifying substitution types.
Apply substitutions to inline text
Custom substitutions can also be applied to inline text with the pass macro. For instance, let’s assume you need to underline a snippet of text using HTML tags in your AsciiDoc document. You’d do this with the inline pass macro.
The text pass:[<u>underline me</u>] is underlined.
The result of Example 1 is rendered below.
The text underline me is underlined.
However, you also need to bold the text and want to use the AsciiDoc markup for that formatting.
In this case, you’d assign the quotes
substitution to the inline pass macro.
The text pass:q[<u>underline *me*</u>] is underlined and the word "`me`" is bold.
The result of Example 2 is rendered below.
The text underline me is underlined and the word “me” is bold.
You can also assign custom substitutions to inline text that’s in a block. In the listing block below, we want to process the inline formatting on the second line.
[subs=+macros] (1)
I better not contain *bold* or _italic_ text.
pass:quotes[But I should contain *bold* text.] (2)
1 | macros is assigned to subs , which allows the pass macro within the block to be processed. |
2 | The pass macro is assigned the quotes value.
Text within the square brackets will be formatted. |
The result of Example 3 is rendered below.
I better not contain *bold* or _italic_ text. But I should contain bold text.