Duplicate Cells

The contents of a cell can be duplicated in consecutive cells.

Duplication factor and operator

The duplication factor and operator are applied to a cell’s specifier and allow you to clone a cell’s content and properties across consecutive cells. A duplication is the first operator in a cell specifier.

<duplication factor><duplication operator><horizontal alignment operator><vertical alignment operator><style operator>|<cell’s content>

The duplication factor is a single integer (<n>) that indicates how many times the cell’s content should be duplicated.

The duplication operator is an asterisk (*) placed directly after the duplication factor (<n>*). The duplication operator tells the converter to interpret the duplication factor as part of a duplication instead of a span.

Duplicate a cell and its properties

To duplicate a cell, enter the duplication factor and duplication operator (<n>*) in the cell specifier. Don’t insert any blank spaces between the duplication, any alignment or style operators (if present), and the cell’s separator (|).

Example 1. Duplicate the contents of two cells
|Column 1, header row |Column 2, header row |Column 3, header row

2*|This cell is duplicated in columns 1 and 2 because its specifier contains a duplication of `2*`
|Cell in column 3, row 2

|Cell in column 1, row 3
|Cell in column 2, row 3
3*e|This cell specifier contains the duplication `3*` and style operator `e`.

The cell's text is italicized and duplicated in column 3, row 3 and columns 1 and 2 on row 4.

|Cell in column 3, row 4

The table from Example 1 is displayed below.

Result of Example 1
Column 1, header row Column 2, header row Column 3, header row

This cell is duplicated in columns 1 and 2 because its specifier contains a duplication of 2*

This cell is duplicated in columns 1 and 2 because its specifier contains a duplication of 2*

Cell in column 3, row 2

Cell in column 1, row 3

Cell in column 2, row 3

This cell specifier contains the duplication 3* and style operator e.

The cell’s text is italicized and duplicated in column 3, row 3 and columns 1 and 2 on row 4.

This cell specifier contains the duplication 3* and style operator e.

The cell’s text is italicized and duplicated in column 3, row 3 and columns 1 and 2 on row 4.

This cell specifier contains the duplication 3* and style operator e.

The cell’s text is italicized and duplicated in column 3, row 3 and columns 1 and 2 on row 4.

Cell in column 3, row 4