Using Custom Inline Styles

Custom style syntax

Text marked with hash symbols can be assigned built-in styles, such as big or underline.

Example 1. Built-in CSS class syntax
Do werewolves believe in [.small]#small print#? (1)

[.big]##O##nce upon an infinite loop.
  1. The first positional attribute is treated as a role. You can assign it a custom or built-in CSS class.

The results of Example 1 are displayed below.

Do werewolves believe in small print?

Once upon an infinite loop.

You can format text with custom styles that you define as well.

Example 2. Custom CSS class syntax
Type the word [.userinput]#asciidoctor# into the search bar.

When Example 2 is converted to HTML, the word asciidoctor is wrapped in <span> tags and the role userinput is used as the element’s CSS class.

Example 3. HTML output
<span class="userinput">asciidoctor</span>