Doclet Options

--base-dir <dir>

Sets the base directory that will be used to resolve relative path names in Asciidoc include:: directives. This should be set to the project’s root directory.

-a, --attribute "name[=value], …​"

Sets document attributes that will be expanded in Javadoc comments. The argument is a string containing a single attribute, or multiple attributes separated by commas.

This option may be used more than once, for example: -a name=foo -a version=1.

Attributes use the same syntax as Asciidoctor command-line attributes:

  • name sets the attribute (with an empty value)

  • name=value assigns value to the attribute. Occurrences of {name} in the Javadoc will be replaced by this value.

  • name=value@ assigns value to the attribute, unless the attribute is defined in the attributes file or Javadoc.

  • name! unsets the attribute.

The document attribute javadoc is set automatically by the doclet. This can be used for conditionally selecting content when using the same Asciidoc file for Javadoc and other documentation.

--attributes-file <file>

Reads document attributes from an Asciidoc file. The attributes will be expanded in Javadoc comments.

If <file> is a relative path name, it is assumed to be relative to the --base-dir directory.

Attributes set by the -a/--attribute option take precedence over those in the attributes file.

-r, --require <library>,…​

Make the specified RubyGems library available to Asciidoctor’s JRuby runtime, for example -r asciidoctor-diagram.

This option may be specified more than once. Alternatively multiple library names may be specified in a single argument, separated by commas.

--gem-path <path>

Sets the GEM_PATH for Asciidoctor’s JRuby runtime. This option is only needed when using the --require option to load additional gems on the GEM_PATH.

-overview <file>

Overview documentation can be generated from an Asciidoc file using the standard -overview option. Files matching *.adoc, *.ad, *.asciidoc or *.txt are processed by Asciidoclet. Other files are assumed to be HTML and will be processed by the standard doclet.