Load Custom Templates

Asciidoctor allows you to override the converter methods used to convert almost any individual AsciiDoc element. If you provide a directory of Tilt-compatible templates, named in such a way that Asciidoctor can figure out which template goes with which element, Asciidoctor will use the templates in this directory instead of its built-in templates for any elements for which it finds a matching template. It will fallback to its default templates for everything else.

puts Asciidoctor.convert '*This* is Asciidoctor.',
  standalone: true, template_dir: 'templates'

The Document and Section templates should begin with document and section, respectively. The file extension is used by Tilt to determine which view framework it will use to use to interpret the template. For instance, if you want to write the template in ERB, you’d name these two templates document.html.erb and section.html.erb. The first file extension, .html, maps to the converter and the second, .erb maps to the template engine. To use Haml as the template engine, you’d name the templates document.html.haml and section.html.haml.

Templates for block elements, like a paragraph or sidebar, are named after the block they handle. For instance, to override the default paragraph template with an ERB template, put a file named paragraph.html.erb in the template directory you pass to the Document constructor using the :template_dir option.

For more usage examples, see the test suite.