Background colors
Background colors for slides can be specified by two means: a classic one and one using AsciiDoc roles. See background-color.adoc for more examples.
Using AsciiDoc roles
Using roles respects the AsciiDoc philosophy of separation of content and presentation.
Colors are to be defined by CSS and the :customcss:
attribute need to be used to specify the CSS file to load.
To avoid clashing with existing reveal.js themes or CSS, a specific CSS class called background
is expected to be present.
Here is an example:
= Title
:customcss: my-css.css
== Slide One
Is very red {
background-color: red;
The canvas keyword can be used instead of background for the same effect.
== Slide Three
Is very yellow
Slide Three applies the attribute data-background-color to the reveal.js
<section> tag.
Anything accepted by CSS color formats works.
Background images
== Grand Announcement
image::cover.jpg[background, size=cover]
This will put cover.jpg
as the slide’s background image.
It sets reveal.js’ data-background-image
The size
attribute is also supported.
See the relevant reveal.js documentation for details.
Background images file names are now relative to the :imagesdir: attribute if set.
The canvas keyword can be used instead of background for the same effect.
== The Great Goat
As you can see, you can use a URL to specify your image resource too.
Background videos
A background video for a slide can be specified using the background-video
element attribute.
== Nice background!
For convenience background-video-loop
and background-video-muted
attributes are mapped to loop
and muted
options which can be specified with options="loop,muted"
For example:
== Nice background!
See the relevant reveal.js documentation for details.
Note that the data-
prefix is not required in asciidoc files.
Background iframes
The background can be replaced with anything a browser can render in an iframe using the background-iframe
reveal.js feature.
== a youtube video
See the relevant reveal.js documentation for details.